What makes GROW different? Everything.

We bring 10,000 years of AG innovation into the classroom

Lab-grade sensors, university-level controls, app-compatible, and collecting nearly 300,000 data points per day per device, the GROW chamber provides STEM students (and their growing trials) the perfect environment for deeply engaged learning.
Our cycle of improved learning starts the moment the GROW enters the classroom. Students, teachers, and faculty learn about controlled environment agriculture, plant nutrition, water quality, data management, statistically significant trial setups, and so much more.
Have “A-HA!” moments as you watch the GROW go from controlled environment to plant oasis.

What makes Farm-Ed different? Everything.

We bring 10,000 years of AG innovation into the classroom

Lab-grade sensors, university-level controls, app-compatible, and collecting nearly 300,000 data points per day per device, Farm-Ed’s GROW chamber provides STEM students (and their growing trials) the perfect environment for deeply engaged learning.
Our cycle of improved learning starts the moment the GROW enters the classroom. Students, teachers, and faculty learn about controlled environment agriculture, plant nutrition, water quality, data management, statistically significant trial setups, and so much more.
Have “A-HA!” moments as you watch the GROW go from controlled environment to plant oasis.
Our Ethos Brought Us Together

Our Curiosity Took Us the Rest of the Way

We believe one simple principle: every single day is an opportunity to learn something new. For us, this means forging partnerships across disciplines and industries, time zones, and international borders. We at GROW believe that science and learning are best done in collaboration with others. Bringing bright minds, industry leaders, and teachers together let’s us do something that hasn’t been done before.

10,000 Years of Ag Innovation Assembled into a Unified Technology and Curriculum

Our engineers, educators, biologists, and business-leaders brought expert ideas together to develop GROW. We compiled a list of all the extraordinary features we wanted in our own plant research trials, and we worked collaboratively to figure out how each one of these features fits not just neatly into a device, but cooperatively into the growing process. Building GROW meant facing a string of creative and technical hurdles that, working together, we cleared every time. Our technology and curriculum supplement aim to deeply engage even the youngest scientists and help them to clear the hurdles that arise in the 21st century!


GROW is just the beginning

We’re Revolutionizing the Way Students Engage and Learn
Building the world’s first fully-automated growth chamber was a lofty goal, but it is certainly not the end goal. GROW is here to cultivate the next generation of ag innovators in the classroom, in the field, and in the home. We encourage students, teachers, and faculty to think bigger and broader, to solve more problems and generate new ideas.
Controlled environment agriculture is made easy, efficient, and engaging. GROW is the first step to an entirely new way of thinking.